You may have heard about all the benefits of probiotics in health and lifestyle magazines, and for good reason. Probiotics are active bacteria and yeasts that promote healthy bodily functions - functions that are necessary for life such as regulating our metabolism and digestion, nutrient absorption and more. We usually think of bacteria as something that causes illness and disease, but your body is full of bacteria, both good and bad. Probiotics are often called "good" or "helpful" bacteria because they help keep your gut healthy. In short, without them, we would cease to exist rather quickly. Having an imbalance of healthy gut bacteria has been linked to a series of chronic diseases, both physical and emotional, that can lead...
As the old adage goes, you are what you eat! For decades we have known that the quality of our food has a direct link to our general health, our energy levels and mood, metabolism and even the quality of our complexion. Here are six nutrient-packed foods that help to restore and protect our natural glow from free radicals and other substances that damage collagen and cause premature aging. Salmon Not only has salmon been linked to killing various types of cancerous cells, the levels of omega-3 fatty acids have an exceptional ability to keep your skin supple and glowing. Try to consume wild caught salmon twice to three times a week for optimal results. Walnuts Similarly to the benefits...
Your skin microbiome is a complex, yet completely natural community of microbes and friendly bacteria that host a variety of benefits to your health. While it might sound unhygienic to have millions of bacteria on the surface of your skin, the truth is that these beneficial microorganisms are what help us prevent illness, by keeping other bad bacteria, or pathogens, at bay. So how to do keep your skin, and your skin microbiome healthy? Here are a few simple tips to ensure balance the way nature intended. Antibacterial skin care products While antibacterial hand soaps and gels might seem like a blessing in disguise, they often can have more negative effects than positive on your skin’s microbiome health. While it’s...